What did the earthquake say when it was done? Sorry, my fault!
Face the truth, Jake could have went on the door, but Rose wanted him to die.
I was at the beach today, and there was a big wave.
Somebody went, "Damn, that crashed harder than the Twin Towers." Jack may have survived the towers, but not the crash.
Why is the sinking of Titanic different to sinking rapboat?
Titanic sinking was a tragedy, rapboat sinking is fucking funny.
What kind of pizzas did they last order at the World Trade Center?
Two large planes!
When I was on the Titanic, I got broken.
Why did the titanic and iceberg hate each other........... b/c titanic hit it
(Titanic ll) yeah boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) (iceberg) ok at least there isn't 99 more titanics (99 more titanics pop up) yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy:) (iceberg) :(
Q: What did the Iceberg say to the Titanic?
A: I'd hit that.
When you're going to Titanic: It's the best ship in the world.
When you know it's sinking: It's the poor ship!
9/11 is like me after I'm finished with my Lego house. I destroy it! 😄🤣
The Titanic was in a pickle when they saw the iceberg.
What is big and stupid?
The Titanic.
How fast did Little Sally paint the barn red?
As soon as the bomb exploded on her.
My friend: How?
Justin: Justin!
Friend: Ooo, I see Jessica.
Me: Nice.
Friend: She got some red on her shirt.
Me: Yeah, that's where the Titanic hit her :///
"That plane lookin kinda low."
Yeah, I keep telling everyone 9/11 jokes, but they all just crash and burn.
What did the beachgoers in North Carolina say when there was a tsunami?
Nothing, they died.
Once upon a time, there was a poor man, a middle-class man, and a rich man. They were all talking about how they found happiness in their lives. The rich man said, "I found happiness through money and all of my assets." The middle-class man said, "I found happiness through my steady job and my loving household." The poor man said, "I may not have much, but I find my happiness through the little acts of kindness people show me."
And then the wall fell on them.