A hobo couple is making out under a bridge. The gf goes - Johnny, why your dick so soft? - Flip me over, I’m trying to shit!
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This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
Friend: Do you know him? Other Friend: Know who? Friend: My dick!!!!
The size doesn’t matter-Ana from frozen
I stood in front of the mirror. "Joseph, I will love and protect you forever" my dick cooed. I looked down at it a single crystalline tear sliding down my face. I was at peace
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This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
Does that dick match that forehead?👀
Did you hear that story "three lines In the sand?" By dickadraggin
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what u call a dick wit 3 eyes preston
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I was on a website doing homework, and there was this funny a$$ commercial banner saying: "Eat a bag of Dick's" It was the funniest $h8 ever! blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/04b6442d-df5c-4ee5-947f-ffa055c5b59a
Why did Kenny die Was he trying to kill himself? Was he just dicking around?
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This joke includes potentially sensitive content.