Kobe: Stop doing dark humor!
Me: Why? They don't land well together?
Kobe: Stop doing dark humor!
Me: Why? They don't land well together?
How do emos compliment each other?
They say, "I like your cuts g."
Ahem... if somebody you don't like, or somebody random just calls you in general,
answer the phone with this:
"Hello, thank you for choosing Mama's Pizzeria/Abortion Clinic, your loss is our sauce, how may I help you?"
"Hello, this is David's Orphanage, you make them, we take them, how may I help you?"
Some people's reactions are priceless, and then they wonder about your mental health.
(sorry in advance this joke is brutal)
What has 12 heads and 24 eyes?
The bin at the back of the abortion clinic.
Why can't Mexicans play Uno?
Because they can't get a green card.
The other day I commented a dark humor joke on a post about a guy who lost his best friend. The joke was “I was so drunk last night I threw a mushroom at a midget and said ‘grow mario grow.’” He commented “What the hell is wrong with you?” and I said “IKR I really gotta work on my alcoholic issues.”
He then replied “This is a post about my dead best friend get the fuck off my feed I don’t even know you.” And so I said “Well then get to know me, I could become your new best friend!”
A cannibal went to the dietitian, and he got told to eat more vegetables, so he ate a disabled person.
Friend: How dark IS your humor?
Me: It started an organization against cops.
Why did the emo step in front of a car? To get to the other side.
Who wants me to bring back the daily School Shooter Jokes?