
Dad Jokes

Dads secretary left her position, he tole me I could take it if I want it. He also told me the job pays well but there is a lot to catch up on. He kept me under the pump all week.

Little Johnny got told by his friend that if you go to your parents and say : I know the truth they give you money so little Johnny says to his mum I know the truth so his mum hands him 20 dollars and tells him not to tell anyone so when little Johnny’s dad gets home little Johnny says I know the truth his dad hands him $50 and says not to tell anyone so little Johnny try’s it on the post man and says I know the truth and the post man says come here son

Kid 1: Guys, stop making 9-11 jokes. My dad died in 9-11. Kid 2: Sorry, I didn't know. Kid 1: He was the best fighter pilot in all of Saudi Arabi.