are you a noose cuz i wanna hang out with you
Why is the sun so mean? cuz it keeps ROASTING everyone
Are u a horse cuz I wanna ride u
y Do orphans look at a house for so long Cuz they never had one
why do orphans like water
cuz thay drink it ;)
Steven Hawking Died due to the bios update, he shutdown cuz the power cable got chewed
is your body from mcdonalds cuz im loving it
this is just a bad emo pickup line lmao
are you maria? cuz u can sure as hell count ME in
why do dogs like skeletons : cuz there boneheads
What is it called when young sheep bet?
(havent uploaded yesterday cuz couldnt think of a joke)
why didn't orphan go home
cuz he didn't have a home
Why does your father went away? Cuz he needs da milk
Why do orphans come to me Cuz they have someone to call father
Why did the robot eat a lightbulb?
Cuz he was in need of a light snack!
are you an abstract manifestation of my childhood traumas and recent memories combined? cuz damn, you look like you came out of a dream.
Why didnt the dog wanna play football??
Cuz he was a boxer!!!