A man walks into a zoo. The only animal was a dog.
It was a shih tzu.
A man walks into a zoo. The only animal was a dog.
It was a shih tzu.
How do you pet a psychopath's cat?
You get it out of the microwave.
My dog is pregnant. I'm gonna be a... I don't know?
Ohhh, an owner.
There once was a brother and a sister. So, one night, it's storming really bad and the sister goes into the brother's room and asks, "Can I stay with you tonight because I'm scared?" The brother replies with, "Yeah, sure, but just don't tell Mom." So the girl climbs into the bed and looks under the sheets to see the boy's penis and asks, "What's that?" And the boy replies with, "That's my pet snake." And the girl asks, "Can I pet it?" And the boy says, "Sure, just don't tell Mom." And the boy falls asleep and wakes up in a hospital and asks, "What happened?" And the girl said, "I pet the snake but it spit on me so I bit its head off."
I cried when my dad cut up onions. Onions was a good dog.
If a cat or a dog plays Among Us, it will wanna be the impawstor.
You got a black cat. He was bad luck. Everyone left you and you comited suicide. What a CATastrophe.
What’s the difference between a cat and a frog A cat has 9 lives and a frog croaks every day
My cat got in a fight. It was a catastrophe.
what was Steven hawking pet?
a hawk.