There's nothing more depressing than a failed suicide attempt. 18. What caused the Great depression? A lack of comedians.
Why is nasa so sus? Cause they wanted to see uranus
Why is there no toilet paper at KFC?
Cause its finger lickin' good.
the orphan tried to play baseball but he couldn't get home cause home doesn't exist for him
Why don't emo girls date emo boys? Cause they've already got a pussy.
They say there’s a person capable of murder in every friendship group.
I suspected it was Dave, so I killed him before he could cause any harm.
Why cant orphans be kidnapped? Cause most kidnappers use a family van
Why can't emos have ADD?
'Cause they are already scatter-brained.
a kid told me to go get a dad so I punched the kid he went to tell his parents oh wait he can't cause hes an orphan and orphans have no parents
Never give up, 'cause never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna desert you.
Why can’t Michael Jackson get within 500 meters of a school?
Cause he’s dead.
Why can't orphans ride a bike?
'Cause their parents won't follow them.
Roses are red violets are blue you'll suck my dick cause I'm stronger than you
Teacher: Okay class, look at the person to the right of you and describe them with one word.
Me: *looks to the right of me and sees the pick-me girl* "Penny."
Teacher: *shocked* How is she a penny?
Me: 'Cause she's two-faced, flat, and always in someone's pants. Not to mention worth practically nothing.
Your forehead is so big you have to wear a hoodie for the rock to see your ego cause your forehead is so big
Why did Sally fall off the swing? "Why?" 'Cause she had no arms.
Why did Sally drop a broom? "Why?" 'Cause she had no arms.
Why did Sally go swimming? She didn't like not having arms.
Knock knock. "Who's there?" Not Sally, she hasn't come back yet.
Why is England bad at chess? cause they lost their queen
are you George Floyd?
cause baby you take my breath away... OOF
"I think my draco might be gay. Why? 'Cause he blow niggas."
Nardo Wick
I know your name is baller cause I'm gonna put my baller into yo MOTHER HOLLER!