A couple of cows were smoking a joint and playing cards... The steaks were pretty high
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club and spade.
Why do you never play a game of cards in the jungle?- cause there are cheetahs!!
That poor kid, he was fine until I bought him a mothers day card for his mum. The second he saw it he burst out crying...
My friend can't afford to pay his water bill anymore, so I sent him a card, "Get well soon."
I kicked into someone Ball.Now i got a red Card
I tried to adopt an orphan. The card got declined harder than the child did.
So I went to my friends funeral today, As we were all leaving a kid put a get well soon card next to my friends grave ‘poor kid’
. How is sex like a game of bridge? If you have a great hand, you don’t need a partner.
Why can't pirates play cards? Because they're standing on the deck.
what did the adopted poker player say ? will you raise me
Why did the ACLU blocked 🚫 📱 the cellphone number of ☺ of a christain nationalist minister because the christain nationalist had a virus on his cellphone 📱 and keep calling the ACLU because he wanted to join the ACLU because he wanted to become a card carrying member of the ACLU
If you read this you lost your v card
Why can orphans not play bingo
Because they can't get a full house
I bought this happy birthday card for this orphan.
To:The Orphan
From : ______
How do you stop a bull from charging? Cancel its credit card.
My favorite bartender serves drinks so strong, he gives a "get well soon" card with each one of them!
What card is the slowest and slimy? Ace-nail
A elderly woman and an elderly man were at a retirement home The man was shuffling a deck of cards for a card game The man asks "Is it your first time?" The woman replies "It's been a while since a man has asked me that."
My bank loves me.
They told me my credit card balance is outstanding.