What is a photographers favourite card game?
your hairline was playing sorry pulled the wrong card and moved back five spaces
I bought this happy birthday card for this orphan.
To:The Orphan
From : ______
yo, if russia comes to the USA just know their reboot cards dont expire
What card is the slowest and slimy? Ace-nail
Why did the credit card go to jail??????
'Cuz' it was guilty as charged
Okay, 19 dollar Fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes, I’m giving it away. Remember: Share, share, share! And trolls: Don’t get BLOCKED!
I have to say my humor isn't the best, but I'll give this a go.
My science teacher always reminded us about kilometers per second. Now I want to kilometer per second.
You know those credit card inserters at Walgreens? I want to insert my credit card on my wrist.
I'll shut up now.
knok knok whos there? boo boo who? Awww dont cry
The KING took a shit on the craps table at the casino
The QUEEN took a shit at the poker table it was a ROYAL FLUSH
Everyone at the queens funeral: me and the boys getting her reboot card