Apple tried to make a car, but it had no windows ;)
what is a orphan's favorite car
a family car
why bid the frog take the bus to work today? his car got toad away
What’s the difference between a Mercedes and a Skoda? Princess Di wouldn’t be seen dead in the back of a Skoda....
Why was the computer late for work
He had a hard drive
Why don't dwarfs have cars?: Because they can’t get in the door
What’s big and black the road
Did you hear about the crime in the parking garage? It was wrong on so many levels.
if a fat person would go on a flying car it will just be at the ground when they out it will justfly up
What get's hard when tugged and fits perfectly in between boobs.... A seatbelt
What is the difference between runners and my car? My car is still running
I was excited to hear Apple might start selling its own cars until I learned they wouldn’t support windows.
Someone complimented my parking today! They left a sweet note on my windshield that said “parking fine.”
why chicken corss road because he get hit by car
A girl in my class started barking and I yelled out "Furry!" Everyone started laughing at her and I felt bad after school I asked to drive her home and one the way there I apologized and then told her to count down from 10 - 1. Before she said one I yelled " THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" then I jumped out the car
so i was asleep and woke up and went to work my wife left already to her job i was driving my car and ran over someone i woke up in my bed realized it was all a dream 20 minutes later i got a phone call the my wife got hit bye a car
Why did Princess Diana cross the road.........She forgot to put her seatbelt
Why did Stephen Hawking die?
He drove too far away from the power point/modem