What do you call a black person eating chicken, watermelon, and drinking Kool-Aid?
What do you call a black person eating chicken, watermelon, and drinking Kool-Aid?
What do you call a guy in a wheelchair that lives with the royal family?
Rolls Royce.
The bands Def Leppard and Blind Melon did a collaboration.
They called the song “Helen Keller.”
My girlfriend called me a cocksucker, but hey, 20 dollars is 20 dollars.
What does a furry call a sexy furry A foxy lady
Men should pay for the first date, that’s why it’s called a (men)u
Then women should do the dishes, that’s why they call it a dish wash(her)
After having a win at bingo, Ethel splashed out on some venison for tea.
During the meal, her daughter asked her mum what it was, to which she replied with a little smile... "It's what I call your father."
Little Jimmy threw down his knife and fork and jumped up sayin', "Oh My God! Don't eat it!!! It's a fucking Dick!"
Q: What do you call a Chinese billionaire?
A: Cha-Ching!
Want one way to get a free haircut?
Call the cancer hotline.
What do you call a premature chinese baby birth? Wong Tai-Ming
What do you call a Black-Asian dictator?
Kim Kong Coon.
Q. What do they call an ISIS terrorist who owns both a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.
What do you call an autistic person? Names.
I'm autistic myself, so don't go crying in my comment section.
What do you call crabs that do not share their food?
They are shellfish! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ