There's something on your chin, no, the third one down.
Q: What's red during puberty?
A: The blood on my hands.
Why did Stephanie fall off the swing?
Because she has no arms.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Not Stephanie!
What do you call a skinny black dick? A Tootsie Roll.
What do you call a butt that kills people?
An ASSassin :)
What do you call a person with cancer?
A ghost with a body.
What do you call a vagina with multiple clits?
A tongue workout!
What do you call an epileptic midget that works at Little Caesars?
Little Seizures.
My mom said to let Jesus come inside me; now I can't sit down.
What goes in dry and comes out wet?
A dick.
What’s the hardest bit about having anal sex?
Repeatedly getting a cock shoved in your arse🤣
i am a fat girl
Penis, peepee, poopoo!
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N. Oh my gosh, I'm peeing on my shoe, no one knows about it yet!
Why can't Sally hit herself? Because she has no arms.
What do you call a fat fortune teller? A four-chin teller.
Girl, is your butt made of water, because it is tubig?
Your mother is so fat that her BMI (Body Mass Index) exceeds 40, therefore classifying her as morbidly obese
my grandpas last words were, why is there a body in my kitchen.
no witnessess
I have double standards, burn a body at a crematorium and you're being a respectful friend; do it at home and you're destroying evidence.