Your teeth are so spread out my mom can drive her car through the gap in your teeth.
Q. What’s white, sticky, and better to spit than to swallow?
A. Toothpaste.
If you watch Jaws backwards, it's a heartwarming story about a shark that gives arms and legs to disabled people.
What's the difference between Johnny Depp and an orphan?
An orphan has all their teeth intact.
What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
The wife said, "Honey! Do you like my new teeth?"
The husband replied, "They remind me of stars, darling!"
"Yellow and far apart."
Dentist: Open up, sir.
Me: So... I hate my life, my family, my sisters, my dog, my cat, and I tried to take a bath with my toaster, but my dog took it. That's why I hate my dog. And my cat died trying to chew my rope; it choked... Yea.
Dentist: I... meant your mouth... so I can clean your teeth.
Me: :O Ohhhh, my bad.
Dentist: Do you need help??
Me: Yep.
Dentist: ...
Me: ....
Why do tampons have strings? So you can floss your teeth when you’re done eating.
Why did the OREO go to the dentist?
Because he needed a filling. 😂
What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
What is 80 feet wide and has 22 teeth?
Answer: The front row of a Trump Rally!
Balls in your jaws.
What do you call a Roman with hair in his teeth?
A "glad-he-ate-her".
[god creating alligators]
God: See that log?
Angel: Yes...?
God: Now fill it with teeth.
Angel: Say again?
Comebacks when someone say: Bully: "Your teeth is so yellow that when you start smiling you slow down the traffic." Say: "At least its brighter than your future."
What's the difference between $1 million and baby teeth?
I don't have $1 million in my wallet.
Bully: I'm going to hurt you so bad.
You: Well... your IQ is the same amount of teeth I'm about to knock out, so... you're so dumb that you can't even do that.
And your IQ is 5.
A lady walks into a dentist's office, sits on the counter, and spreads her legs. The dentist says, "I think you have the wrong idea." The lady replies, "Last week you gave my husband his false teeth; now you can get them out."
Why do men give cold women their jackets?
No man wants a blowjob from a woman with chattering teeth.
I went to see my dentist, and she warned me it was going to hurt. Then, she told me she was having an affair with my husband. Good news though...the cleaning didn't hurt.