throw a few paper airplanes at the twin's in your class see if they fall
One time there was a depressed man standing in the middle of a train track. A girl said, "Excuse me, can you move, please? I'm trying-" Then the man stopped her sentence and said, "How is your t-shirt so clean?" Then she said back, "Easy, hung it up."
I'm really bored and I don't know what's up with Prince. He isn't talking to me.
And Freshfry, why are you so mean now?
Why was the chicken in trouble?
For using fowl language!
Step on your small sister's foot, she will always open her mouth like a dustbin.
I remember last year all these bitches called me lame so I stopped the simping and pretended I was gay, now I think they're all fucking with me.
I'm an LGBTQ imposter got cut last year know I've made the roster and you may think I'm a monster. I'm just just tryna see some titties.
Yesterday I was asked where my parents are. I said, "Getting milk."
I met an orphan with a dog yesterday. I chose the dog.
You never think of how people will react to an event. My friend gets discounts at any store he goes to.
I will be back, I'm gonna get milk...
I troll under different usernames. I'm a bit all over the place mentally.
The 3 life rules:
Oh, there are no rules, because you have no life.
I beat up a deaf kid the other day. I had to. He kept throwing up gang signs.
Americans leave without saying goodbye, and Russians say goodbye without leaving.
Even people who are good for nothing can bring a smile to your face.
For instance, when you push them down the stairs.
I bet emo girls get jealous when people cut paper.
What's the difference between a gamer and dog poop?
Dog poop touches grass.
What did the creep do when the woman said, “Make yourself at home?”
He hid in her attic.
If a kid doesn't take their nap, doesn't that mean they are resisting arrest?
What do you say when a person trips?
You say, "Why you trippin'?"