
Baby Jokes

One day leaf asks mom, “mom, why am I named leaf?” Mom says “because when you were a baby a leaf fell on your head.” The next day feather asks mom “ mommy, why am I named feather?” Mom says “ when your were a baby a feather fell on your head.” The next day brick asks mom “rhsisvrkanx” mom says, shut up brick!

I have a better method of abortion than currently used. It's like a regular one, except you can get free food out of it...we're about to give baby-back ribs a whole new meaning.

What's the difference between a truck full of babies and a truck full of bowling balls? You can only unload one of them with a pitch fork.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to catch some pale of water Jack come down and then Jill came tumbling after so they had a baby...

what is red white and blue and makes me proud to live in this country? the baby in the corner I choked, stabbed, and then came on.

How are babies and watermelons similar?

They are both fun to smash open with a sledgehammer and eat the insides

Funny things or weird things to say to someone. Hey...have you kissed a girl before? Weird things to say to someone. Its hard to find friends that 91% Funny 100%Nice and 100,0000 % good-looking. Funny! Weird name to call a girl: Sweetums. Baby-Bugga-Boo.

Fuzzkins. Lumpy. Nilly. Ninty Minty. and SEXY WITCH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Gross thats why I am not getting a bf!

what is the diffrence between a babie and a tramoline?

you take your shoes off to jump on one.