
Building Jokes

My fondest childhood memory was building sandcastles with my grandfather. That is, until my mom took the urn away from me.

If I place a slide on the edge of a cliff or a really high building, would going down it be considered suislide?

Asking for a friend.

why were 6 scared of 7? 7 8 9 then why was 10 affraid? it was between 9/11.

what do u think was going thru the heads of the 9/11 victims on floor 43? floor 44 💀💀

I tried dressing up as the plane that crash into the twin towers for the office costume party It didn't land too well


Did you know the people in the twin towers were great readers?

Yea, they went through 80 stories in seconds.

What is the difference between a plane and a helicoptor.

A plane hits a building but a helicopter hits the floor