My uncle can't walk straight i think it's because he's gay
Hollow Knight Beater
Hello, I love, love, love Hollow Knight, *FNF, Poke'mon, Undertale, anime, amoung us , and Parappa the rapper, that might a lot of stuff but thats what i like. So please like my stuff have a nice day, and thank you.
* Friday Night Funkin
Roses are red, Vilots are blue Shrek is ugly but not uglier than you
Marleigh is so fat and ugly
Hi everyone today I am taking requets for anything u want me to say
Your mom is so fat that she can't get internet cuz she is worldwide
Do people even like me C A S N O V A
Hello *everyone now question to make it in there is no right or wrong answer, but who here has watched fireb0rn??