
Worst Jokes

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UADjpQQwxYgFtaj8zX7AlpG5JlN4mmJelBFszgvmHHY/edit :Copy and past in ur search bar to see watersharky's worst picture on HIS OWN DOCS.

I still don't know what's the worst, most dangerous place to take your children on holiday. But, for certain, it's either Vatican City or Neverland Ranch.

why do people make fun of you jokes in worst jokes ever? because it is called worst jokes ever

What’s the worst thing to happen to an orphan?

Well they weren’t always Orphans

whats the worst part about getting old?

going to pull up the wrinkles in your socks, just to find out you're not wearing socks

stop ruining the jokes its called worst jokes ever for a reason we all feel bad for orphans but people like dark humor and joke about everyone so quit being offended plz

Hello worst jokesever.com I am not typing but instead using a microphone to speech ding me a period. I don’t see what’s coming up but I don’t know why I am sending so it will be random or funny or just stupid LOL . So like and subscribe and