
Wheres Jokes

My wife asked me the other day where I got so much candy. I said, "I always have a few Twix up my sleeve."

A kid asks trump: Kid: 'where are the confidential files?' Trump: 'there they are bud!'

Mom where are we going To your grandma's funeral Yeah cus i 360 no scoped that bit** in the face.

Orphans have it lucky. When teachers threaten to call parents, the orhphans say, "Try me". When teacher's give homework, Orphans say, "Where?"

Quote Of The Day: Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. Love you guys, and hope today was amazing!!!

Peace out!!!! <3

One day a man visited an orphanage Then he sees a kid crying the man asked "where are your parents" and the kid cries even harder

ik this isnt a orphan joke but i didnt know where to say it so yh.

i threw a nut at the alergy table and screamed... YES TRIPLE KILL