How to make the kissing in a tree in recognizable: me and you k.i.s.s.i.n.g tree sitting wedding love then comes love then comes baby in the carriege. then hate comes diviorse and perrse. FEW!!!!!!!!!
Q?: Why didn't the Oak tree win the election? A: He didnt get the votes he was oaking for, Because he was not the popular vote.
What is the best way to make a leaf. Go down back around and stir up a tree. Make it spin watch again. Oven baking ding we're done!
my step-dad works at a lumberjack company and he took me to work, I went climbing trees later that day and now I'm in the hospital
hey join me i be near the tree bring things to
i like peper
aight imma make like a tree and leaf
*****u have to leave right after u tell this joke****
a treatment joke
What did the tree say when spring finally arrived? What a re-leaf.
what is a fun game for an emo kid.
tug o war with a tree
i dont trust trees ...they look shady
Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for BLESSEDBRIAN. I think he owes it an apology.
What's a rapper's favorite kind of tree?
*Tibia* honestly I think the reason I’m *bonely* is because you guys don’t find my jokes *humerus* ...... maybe if I played the *trombone* it would get people’s attention but *tibia* honest I can’t be bothered so one just look at my *BONE-zai* tree, although my brother doesn’t really like that one so how about a *S-pine* tree
Why are trees afraid dogs? because they bark.
Me talks to an orphan: hey I have a joke Orphan: go on then Me: your family tree
I saw one kid in a game he went "I love you tree" hes was dumb as cant tell sorry/
An emo and a leaf fall from a tree, which hits the ground first
The leaf because the emo got caught by the rope
Q: What's the difference between a Genealogist and a Gynecologist?
A: One looks up the family tree and the other looks up the family bush
Yo mama so fat when she got buried it toke them all the trees on earth for her coffin