
Tree Jokes

Q?: Why didn't the Oak tree win the election? A: He didnt get the votes he was oaking for, Because he was not the popular vote.

What is the best way to make a leaf. Go down back around and stir up a tree. Make it spin watch again. Oven baking ding we're done!

my step-dad works at a lumberjack company and he took me to work, I went climbing trees later that day and now I'm in the hospital

Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for BLESSEDBRIAN. I think he owes it an apology.

*Tibia* honestly I think the reason I’m *bonely* is because you guys don’t find my jokes *humerus* ...... maybe if I played the *trombone* it would get people’s attention but *tibia* honest I can’t be bothered so one just look at my *BONE-zai* tree, although my brother doesn’t really like that one so how about a *S-pine* tree

An emo and a leaf fall from a tree, which hits the ground first

The leaf because the emo got caught by the rope

Q: What's the difference between a Genealogist and a Gynecologist?

A: One looks up the family tree and the other looks up the family bush