
Think Jokes

Who thinks gwen and dumb bitch prince should *STOP* dating! AND LET THE REAL LOVERS *gwen and aiden* RESUME TO *LOVE* SAY ME IN THE COMMENTS SO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey who thinks Gwen and Aiden are not Dating and who also thinks this dumb girl named "Zre" is being a dummy! and Who thinks gwen belongs with prince aka bf!

What is it called when young sheep bet?


(havent uploaded yesterday cuz couldnt think of a joke)

I went to the table to eat my egg, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I think someone must've poached it.

I tried my best to think of some puns, but I'm gonna have tibia honest: I don't have any puns left, but I'm pretty sternum, so I'll think of a few puns here and there. It took a lot of spine ro do this.

Never drink tea in school... L give people tea if they've passed out....tea can be nice but only havd it once a day... Its not what you think..... Its not tea its CPR

Jimmy asks a elevator operator what he thinks of his job The operator shrugs and says "It has its ups and downs"

My friend thinks he is funny.He told me that the only food that makes you cry is an onion,so I threw a coconut at him.

John FK, he think he special car no top, everyone see like he on parade. me, I stay hidden, secret style, no bullets find me. Much smar smarter, no? Scret lifestyle safety