
Think Jokes

Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for BLESSEDBRIAN. I think he owes it an APOLOGY

Guy: You won't eat a human, so why do you eat meat Other Guy: It is bold of you to think I won't eat a human

I think ur hairline might have the hiccups

Answer to it:u might have do give a wash in the shower

What's hard and hairy on the outside and soft and wet on the inside. Coconut, what were you thinking of?

My girlfriend said to me dear i think you have hit an animal theirs blood and dents all over the bonnet

I said no love, im not waiting for a black lives matter rally

What did the emo say to the popular kid?

Go fuck yourself for thinking all emos cut becasue they don't.. yk for a matter of fact fuck all you guys..

A men and a boy went in a forest the boy said he was scared the men said how do you think i fill i have to walk back alone