My name is Jafar. I come from afar. There's a bomb in my car. Allahu Akbar!
What is the difference between an Isis training, camp and a school?
Not sure I just fly the drone
What did the terrorist do when New York didn’t want his food: Here comes the air plane.
What do you call a trash bin for 9/11?
Osama Bin Laden
How many terrorists does it take to tile a roof? It depends on how thin you slice them.
Allah akbar.
All terrorists like starting a new year off with a bang.
Where do terrorists go for food? The Allah snack bar.
What do you call a terrorist at a cinema?
A box office bomb.
Q. How does an ISIS terrorist practice safe sex?
A. He marks the camels that kick.
What is a terrorist's first move in chess?
The only profession where one could have coronavirus and still go to work is a suicide terrorist.
What did the terrorist say to the 72 virgins?
"Just so you know, 5 inches is REALLY big!"
what do you call a terrorist that can fly? a dart
Where did tanner go during 911 terrorist attack?
whats the 9/11 survivors least favorite team?
new york jets
why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers. because they can go through 100 stories in 7 seconds
If 6 was afraid of 7 because 7-8-9 Then why was 10 afraid
Cause it was right in the middle of 9/11
What was going through the head of a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor?
The 89th floor.
Why were the World Trade Center so mad? Because they ordered 3 pizzas, but 2 came in plane and 1 went to the wrong address.