What do you call a trash bin for 9/11?
Osama Bin Laden
What do you call a trash bin for 9/11?
Osama Bin Laden
What is a terrorist first move in chest C4
What is the difference between an Isis training, camp and a school?
Not sure I just fly the drone
How many terrorists does it take to tile a roof? It depends on how thin you slice them.
Only profession one could have coronavirus and still goes to work is suicide terrorist.
What did the terrorist say to the 72 virgins?
Just so you know, 5 inches is REALLY big!
Where did tanner go during 911 terrorist attack?
why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers. because they can go through 100 stories in 7 seconds
Why were the world trade center so Mad because They ordered 3 pizzas but 2 came in plane and 1 went to the wrong address
What was going through the head off a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor
The 89th floor
If 6 was afraid of 7 because 7-8-9 Then why was 10 afraid
Cause it was right in the middle of 9/11
What's suicide bombers' biggest fear? Dying alone
I would tell you a joke about 9/11, but it would come crashing down on you
What did Osama say after knocking over the twin towers?
He he he haw
Where do terrorists go for a drink? At the Allahu-ak Bar