Why did the terrorist masturbate and smoke weed on the plane?
He was told to high-jack it.
Why did the terrorist masturbate and smoke weed on the plane?
He was told to high-jack it.
What is a terrorist first move in chest C4
I'd make a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't fly anymore. And if I tried it would probably crash and burn. It just wouldn't help my comedy career take off.
why is 10 scared of 11 and 9.. because he's in the middle of 9/11
The British equivalent to 9/11 would be a big red bus crashing into Big Ben.
What is the difference between an Isis training, camp and a school?
Not sure I just fly the drone
People say that Pakistan is a terrorist nation...
Guys, it's not true, even Osama bin Laden lived there peacefully for 6 years.
Osama bin Laden rated America.
He gave us a 9/11.
What is the difference between a terrorist and a prostitute? The prostitute can blow you more than once
9/11 wasn’t a terrorist attack, it was the world’s introduction to Sky Football
Q. What do they call an ISIS terrorist who owns both a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.
Q. How does an ISIS terrorist practice safe sex?
A. He marks the camels that kick.
What are the similarities of GTA V and 9/11? A plane can be stolen and crashed into a building by a bunch of terrorists.
What's a terrorist's favorite car? A Porsche 9/11.
Why were the world trade center so Mad because They ordered 3 pizzas but 2 came in plane and 1 went to the wrong address
Osama Bin Laden is his name.
Crashing planes is his game.