What was the last thing to run through Osama bin Laden's mind? Probably a bullet.
Welcome back to the hide and seek world championship! Osama Bin Laden vs. Anne Frank!
That time when you realise that Osama bin Laden and Carrie Underwood share the same birthday...
Imagine working at the World Trade Center only for Osama bin Laden to call and ask if he could crash at your place
What was Osama Bin Laden's favorite drink?
A Double Manhattan.
Osama's aim was horrible, one of his angry birds missed and hit a field in Pennsylvania.
Osama Spin Laden, dropping beats like the twin towers
What does Osama bin Laden have in common with Spongebob?
Both can be found at the bottom of the sea, filled full of holes.
What is a terrorists DJ name? Osama Spin Laden Droppin beats like the twin towers
What is Osama bin Laden's favorite football team?
The New York Jets
Osama Bin Laden is his name Crashing planes is his game
Osama Bin Laden is the best Angry Birds player of all time.
Osama bin laden hit the towers because he couldnt fly straight
what do u call a Muslim sleepover?
Osamas in Pajamas
Q. What do you call a Muslim basketball player? A. Osama Bin Ballin
People say that Pakistan is a terrorist nation.....
Guys it's not true, even Osama bin Laden lived there peacefully for 6 years
Osama bin Laden rated America.
He gave us a 9/11.
What do you call a tall terrorist? Osama Bin Laden.
Who is Osama Binladen’s secret cousin? Barrack Obama or Barrack Osama BinLaden
What do you call a llama that was in 9/11, Osama Bin Llama