My dad died during 9/11, he was the best pilot in all Saudi Arabia.
What's suicide bombers' biggest fear? Dying alone
I would tell you a joke about 9/11, but it would come crashing down on you.
What is the difference between a terrorist and a prostitute? The prostitute can blow you more than once
What did Osama say after knocking over the Twin Towers?
He he he haw.
Where do terrorists go for a drink?
At the Allahu-ak Bar.
Why were the terrorists upset on 911? bcz 1 of the 4 missed its target.
What did the solder say when he saw a terrorist on a wheelchair? An RC-XD
What is a terrorist's favorite song?
"Pumped Up Kicks."
What's the difference between a terrorist base and an elementary school? — Don't ask me. How should I know, I'm just the drone pilot.
I'd make a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't fly anymore. And if I tried it would probably crash and burn. It just wouldn't help my comedy career take off.
What does the mom (or terrorists fuck that.) say for the (twin) towers to eat?
Open wide, Here comes the plane.
How do you stop a terrorist from drowning? Take your foot off his head.
"Terrorist, that’s a little strong. We call them private militaries."
Why do terrorists like the Twin Towers?
It's the next thing they blow up.
You heard of the Pixar movie "Up," but have you heard of "Down, Down," the 9/11 terrorist attack?
What do you call two terrorists standing next to each other with their dicks out?
The Twin Towers.
What's the best part of a terrorist on Fourth of July?
The finale.
I saw some terrorists on Family Feud. It looked like they had three strikes!
Why did the terrorist not go undercover?
Because he blew it!