Communist jokes aren't funny unless everyone gets them.
Why did the ACLU block the cellphone number of a Christian nationalist minister? Because the Christian nationalist had a virus on his cellphone and kept calling the ACLU because he wanted to join the ACLU because he wanted to become a card-carrying member of the ACLU.
Urban areas are filled with terrorists, feminists, liberals, and murderers. Which one is not like the others? Murderers because they don't pretend to have a cause.
What do you call a Communist sniper? -- A Marxman.
What's the difference between Hitler and a feminist?
At least Hitler actually did something.
Why do orphans want to be communist?
So they would have a motherland.
Roses are red, peanuts are tan. I am joining the Ku Klux Klan.
In a normal country, they have lemonade. In Soviet Russia, they have Leninade: "Refresh yourself with a cold war."
Wanna hear a joke?
What do you call a communist pirate ship?
The USS Arrrrr.
I hate the term feminazi. It is offensive to real Nazis.
What do you call a frozen communist?
Hammer and popsicle.
The new pandemic is feminism and all kinds of democratic thinking. COVID is a joke compared to these nasty ass diseases.
I heard that cataracts are the third leading cause of blindness...
... the first two being politics and religion.
When the school shooter kills the teacher and the autistic kid declares communism
What is the difference between the Twin Towers and feminism? The Twin Towers were destroyed by terrorists, while feminism was created by terrorists.
Jokes about communism aren't funny unless everyone gets them.
What is Hitler's favorite letter?
The teacher asks, "Who is a Trump fan?" Everyone in the class, wanting to be liked by their teacher, all put their hands up, except for Little Johnny. The teacher asks, "Little Johnny, why are you being different again?" Little Johnny says, "Because I'm not a Trump fan." The teacher asks, "Why are you not a Trump fan?" and Little Johnny says, "Because my dad's a democrat and my mum's a democrat so I'm a democrat." And then his teacher says, "So if your dad was an idiot and your mum was a moron, what would that make you?" And Little Johnny replies, "A Trump fan."
"Consent is just some fucked up feminist propaganda."