
Team Jokes

What is a Fortnite players favorite football team : The rabbit raiders LOLO”OO LMAO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LMAO 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

"Chelsea is the most consistent team. One win in August, one win in September, and one win in October it's just like menstrual cycle. If they don't win in November, judt know that they're pregnant." 😅

(On their 1-2 loss to Watford) Ty: Well we musnt forget that it’s been raining so... Robbie: It’s been raining??? Ty: Yeah! Robbie: Are you being serious??? It’s raining for both teams!

What do black men in the NBA like about going to the locker room after they are done playing basketball. receiving golden showers from other black team mates.

A priest is struck by lightning and lays hurt on the ground.

When medical crew arrives he denies them saying "God will surely save me."

The medical team tries to help him but he keeps struggling and eventually dies.

Later in the afterlife, he screams at God, saying, "Why didn't you save me? Am I not dear to you?"

God answered, "B**** I sent you a f***ing ambulance and you denied it!"