Osama bin laden hit the towers because he couldnt fly straight
How do Americans learn the metric system? 9mm at a time. problem is sometimes it goes straight through their heads.
Why does Ezra Miller’s Flash run in a straight line in The Flash movie? Bro ain’t straight.
Q why do I always see does to gay men in the roundabout
A they couldn’t go straight
What do the twin towers and genders have in common
They both used to be straight
the lines on the pride flag look pretty straight to me!
Why do gay people only stand crooked? Cuz they can’t be straight
I work in a garage and yesterday a gay person came up to me and said,"why wont my car go straight
Your leg is straighter than James Charles
yo mama so gay that she made left and right turn straight
my hairline may be straight but i’m not
Why that Nun didn't like Virgin Mary. Because she was straight into Jesus
me: ok so let's get this straight.... cop: I'm not straight ok, now get in the car me: but I didn't do anything? cop: no me: so why are you arresting me then? cop: imma tell you a story me: oh no....... cop: I know, now come on. me: ok where? cop: my room. me: which room? cop: my bedroom me:😱im a girl cop:so am I, now get in me: but I'm 9 cop: I'm 59
Why do gay kids always fail exams ? Becuz they can't think straight
Ever wondered my gay kids don't play basketball ? Becuz they can't shoot the ball straight into the hoop
What is something you can’t say in a superhero movie? “Is it a bird, is it a plane, well whatever it is, it’s heading straight for the world trade center.”
lesbians when the GPS ask them to go straight
gay people when the GPS ask them to go straight
Like if you are straight comment if you are LGTBQ+ dislike if you are a Nazi.
Your hairline is so crooked that it made will smith feel straight