
Version Jokes

Michael Jackson was working on a cover of a popular Elton John song when he died...

His version was to be called "Don't Let Your Son Go Down on Me"...


Official Dj Penaldo playlist.

1. "I'm a fraud" 2. "I need you (ft. Tap-ins)" 3. "I Want to Leave Mid United" 4. "Back where I belong (ft. Europa league)" 5. "TY Eder" 6. "Nobody wants me (Rejectnaldo Remix)" 7. "Fuck that kid (ft. Lil Broke phone)" 8. "Sewy (Benched +arms crossed version)"

I know this isnt the real chicken wing song but my version...

chicken wing chicken wing i want your mommy slap her with my hary salami while she still yawning.

making your own chicken wing song and put it in the comments... :)

My version of the Roses are Red Poem in MW3:

I thought Soap could trust you And so did I too So WHY IN BLOODY HELL DOES MAKAROV KNOW YOU?!

(My dad told me a new version of a happy birthday song)

Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo, you look likes a monkey, and you smell like one too!

(No affence to anyone reading this on there birthday)

They are making new versions of the Star Wars films. The names have only just come out. There is Star wars Attack of the Trannies, Star Wars The Trannie Awakens, Star Wars Rogue Trannie, Star Wars The LGBTQ Strikes Back and then there is Star Wars The Last Striaght Man.

Yo mama so fat she didn't just cross the border she crossed ALL The borders

short version: yo mama so fat she touches every border