
Store Jokes

Julie: What's the difference between a chimp and a pizza?

John: I don't know.

Julie: Remind me not to send you to the store...

When I was younger i went to an indian convenience store to pick up a lottery ticket. When the Cashier handed me the ticket, she told me to "hold it properly". So I ripped the red dot right off of her forehead.

I went to a book store yesterday and I saw a book that said "how to solve 50% of your problems." So I bought 2.

Store owner: u have to be 40 inches tall to go into the adult section.

Kid: please.

Store owner: oh okay but get on ur tippy toes.

Kid: ever body is hugging

So my mom was talking to me and told me to go to the store so when I get there,there’s a sign but then someone tells me that’s just someone with a ginormous forehead

I was walking to the store and then this boy told me "I'm an orphan and I have no money" he wanted M&Ms I gave him Family sized

So a man walks past a gun store and sees all the guns are half of then the man says wow school supplies are low the week

I went into the supermarket everything was half off. of course I took the bottom half of spider man