Why did the rapper go to school?
To learn his ABCs (All 'Bout Cash)!
What do you call a rapper with bad credit?
Lil Borrow.
Why do girls only stay in odd groups of friends?
Because they literally can't even.
What Minecraft mob do autistic people relate to the most?
The Enderman.
Why didn’t the autistic boy like Minecraft?
There was a new texture pack.
if ur fat and transgender, then would you be considered transfat?
why tranny say have a good day to jew? he goy goy
What’s the difference between a mother and a girlfriend?
A girlfriend likes a bad boy.
What is Mexican's favorite food? A taco.
How to Chinese people name their kids? - They roll down a coin down the staircase and it says, ching chang chong...
i hate it when people think im a boy because i have short hair i mean im gay what do you expect
Your mom is so fat, they asked if she was a sumo wrestler.
"Zre, um, be careful when using a gun, okay? And meh not fat, boy."
Dude: Hey dude guess who I am?
Viewers: Dora.
Trump: No, I am President Trump.
Viewers: Why are you wearing Dora’s clothes and backpack?
Trump: Today we are going to build a wall.