
Step Jokes

where did the children go after he step on the land mine

there, there, over there, and over here to

Your mama is so fat. She steps on the scales. She has to return in a couple days to get the results.

She's so fat that when she steps on to a wood floor that the floorboard doesn't creak, it screams: "Goddamn!!!" before it snaps from the weight.

“Ouch!” “What’s wrong?” “I stepped on a screw.” “Are you ok?” “I’m in ex-screw-xiating (excruciating) pain!”

did you hear about the astronaut that stepped in gum and got stuck? He got stuck in Orbit! Hehhehe

why does adam go hockey you might ask? in my opinion he shouldnt go cus he is bad but he needs the armour to protect him self from his own STEP-DAD