
Registered on · 1 follower · Last active 10 months ago

A guy went to a bar and said to a friend that he found a girl on the railroads and said they had the best sex ever.

His friend asked, "Did you get any head?"

The guy said, "No, I couldn't find it."

I wore a purple outfit to school, and some Indian kid called me Thanos, so I called him Vision and tried pulling the red dot off his head.

Why don't nurses like giving old people baths or showers?

Because they don't want their vegetables to get soggy.

Steps to win a Nerf war:

Step 1. Take out Nerf bullets.

Step 2. Load hollow points.

Step 3. Win!

Lil bro's hairline is making me hungry wit that M shape also hitten me wit that damb batab bat bat baaa.