Teacher: " Stand up class" She is sitting down. Teacher: " Whoever stands up is stupid."
What does the PH stand for in orphan
People in Wheelchairs Should really stand up for themselves
A guy in a wheelchair said I stand for Boris and but I think he ment he sat for Boris
Gwen just wanted to help you with the bullying. tip 1. Ignore them, bullys are really just cowards. tip 2. Stand up for your self, its ok for people to also help you but you do the same for your self! 3. Just let them be, their just stupid! Love you-Iariah
yo mama so fat she stand on the scale and the scale says: i want your weight no your phone number
Why couldn't the bicycle stand? It was two-tired...
What are four ways a condom is like a republican elephant? 1. It stands for inflation. 2. It limits production. 3. It encourages cooperation. 4. It gives you a feeling of security even though you know you're being screwed.
Why don’t rappers play hide and seek?
Because good rappers always STAND OUT
The duck walked up to the lemonade stand. And he said to the man Running the stand Hey Bomp bomp bomp Got any grapes?
One night I was sitting on my bed in my room, minding my own business. It was pretty late, around 10 PM. The glow of my laptop screen was the only light in the room. I heard a noise coming from behind me. It sounded like the door was opening, but there was no one else in the house. I turned around and found Mr. Incredible standing in my doorway, a stern look on his face. He walked over to me, slowly and dramatically. Then he leaned over and pointed his finger at my face, only about two inches away now. I was frozen with my back against the wall. Then, Mr. Incredible said something I would never forget: "Stop pirating video games." Ever since that day, I have never gone on a pirating website and have paid legally for my video games. True story.
Julius’s wife always stands behind him. Therefore, whenever he looks in the mirror, he sees her (Caesar).
Why did the rapper sit on the stool?
Because he had too much FLOW to stand still
What does the B in Benoît B. Mandelbrot stand for?
Benoît B. Mandelbrot
technoblad: it is high vitamin b
quackiity: what does vitamin b stand for
tenchnoblad: broke
I just figured out the "X" in Max stands for the button on tinder every girl wants to press when they see him.
Stephen Hawking is a real stand up guy, outSTANDing performance.