why is Beast Boy so good at flying? Terra hasn't forgiven him
What to say to a single guy whos insulting you. "Shut up you horny virgin"!
I can hear the whole world booing me
Dog walks into a bar.. & Sez to bartender . I'm looking for the man who shot my paw..
What is stuck between a doorway?
Rebel Wilson
Why is Sunday better than Monday?
Because Monday is a weak day.
Michael Jackson was recently sighted at target. Why? The sale was all boys pants half off!
What does a person that’s high and Helen Keller have in common? Both stare off into space
What creature takes the most medicine?
Why did an Indian cross the road? To take a shit
Fuck the green bay packers
You know, being a bitch is hard...but i found the person who's up for the challenge...You
A skeleton walks into the hospital and said: doctor doctor i broke my leg The doctor said: i see...
"did you go to the biscuit eating championship" "yea it was crackers"
What do you say when you wake up to the police trying to arrest you? “Cmon, did ya really think I’d resist a-rest?”
Why are they called BREAKING NEWS in the entire world?
Because they breaking the whole entire news.