Santa was asked to describe Mrs. Claus in three words. His response was, "Ho ho ho."
Santa gives a boy a bike and a soccer ball for Christmas, this upsets the boy. Why? Answer: He has no legs..........the boy has no legs.
What shoes do pedophiles wear? White vans.
How do pedophiles fit in? They force it to go in.
How do you make a 16 mm hole into a 40 mm hole? A pedophile comes in.
What did Santa say when he was passing over some hookers? "Ho ho ho!"
why doesent santa have kids becouse he only comes once a year
I was trying to poison santa, but he killed my dad and ate all the cookies! 😤
The dyslexic devil worshipper sold his soul to Santa.
Q:Why didn’t Santa eat the milk and cookies you set out for him? A: He doesn’t exist you childish sh**
how did santa fit down the chimney he buterrd it
How many wives does Santa have? Hoe Hoe Hoe
Why is Santa's sack so big?
He only comes once a year.
What nationality is Santa Claus? - North Polish.