Roses are red I sniff marijuana I have five fingers The middle one is for your vagina
My version of the Roses are Red Poem in MW3:
I thought Soap could trust you And so did I too So WHY IN BLOODY HELL DOES MAKAROV KNOW YOU?!
Hey guys todays funnyiest prank: Is when I poored a bunch of red whine into the chicken be honest and was a TON of whine I purded in there! My family could not tell the dirfense at all! Anyway bye thats the prankster! Next time or see time next!
What's wite and black and red allover? A nun that fell down stairs
What is black, white, and red all over?
My third wife.
I could be red I could be orange I could be yellow I could be green, I could be blue I could be purple but I would be dead
What is red, pink, and goes round and round?
A baby in a blender.
What is green, brown, and goes round and round?
The same baby 3 weeks later.
are you a red light because i stop every time i see you
i think im a red zebra!! cuz im stripped red iykwim
What's an indians favorite store?
Red dot
Roses are red violets are blue oh you wanna die I wanna die too!!!
Latias is red Latios is blue you should always remember to put up your curtains because I Pikachu
What’s red and goes 100 miles per hour
~babies in a blender 😌
Roses are red violet are blue jets versus towers, USA lost two
Q: What's red during puberty?
A: The blood on my hands
Roses are red
Your passports are blue
Now go stand over there
In that very long quEUe
What ́s red and bad for your teeth? A brick.