
Randomness Jokes

One random youtube comment in 2018: Soon, A virus will come to earth A year later: Pahahahahah that comment is fake lmaoooo ahahahha Another year later: Time to die a painful death. Another year later: God has come with the cure

You: Why did the chicken cross the road? Random person: Why? You: To get to the idiot's house! Random person: What? You: Knock knock Random person: Who's there? You: The chicken.

So I was looking though my pictures and I found a picture of a random kids that took a picture of his ugly face it look like someone that got hit by a car than a bus than a semi

That’s what I get for not having a password on my iPad

The clock struck one! Then down did come! Hickory dickory doc What am I? Random- a mouse? Me- no dumb $hit! Random- what is it? Me- the gillotine!

Yesterday, I saw an advert with random woman dancing, and someone said that they were beautiful. And then I said "Except the fat people." And then I got sent to my room for saying that.

The teacher said made the kids guess what a random word was and it was honey. She also gave them a sample of honey to make it a little easier. Teacher said that it was something that you eat and what parents call each other. Little Johnny said, “I know what it is now! Spit them out now guys, their Buttholes!”

I was talking to my friends and they said a random topic about cats and I'm like "Water you talking about" =3

A snorlax was in a bar. And he was drinking beer when an Eevee and a Rockruff hopped onto a stool. The Eevee ordered an oranberry special for the both of them.

Snorlax: Y'all make the perfect couple.

Random Zorua: Dragonite, is it just an illusion, or is that snorlax fatter than this region?