Why Did The Pedophile Cross The Road?
To Get To The Other Preschool.
Why Did The Pedophile Cross The Road?
To Get To The Other Preschool.
Mosely in a white van
What is the difference between an old chest and a kid? One doesn't cry when you drop it in the basement.
Why was the guitarist arrested?
He fingered a minor.
All Mia needs to destroy the evil young girl in Resident Evil 7 Bio-hazard, was using a pedophile instead of serum
Jacob Wheet, If You Don't Understand Look It Up
How many dead babies does it take to change a light bulb?
Must be more than 13, because my basement is still dark.
I heard that Jimmy Savile never wanted to be famous... All he ever wanted was to settle down, and have kids.
Then: You want free candy? Now: You want free wi-fi?
Micheal Jackson and Tonya Harding got together back in the day for a horse racing venture..Tonya says.."I'll handle the handicapping, you go ride the 3 year olds"