
Orphan Jokes

Me calling the orphan kid from school: hello are your parents home? The orphan kid: *starts sobbing* STOP CALLING HERE

Q:Whats a orphans favorite game.... A: the sims 4 cause then they can simulate having a family.

I burnt down an orphanage and then showed an orphan the orphanage that I burned down and he loved it. Not really though.

If you are a bully at a school when you get home find a orphan and beat them up!

What are they going to do tell the orphan lady to tell you to stop?😆😝

Why do orphans not like 1st-5th grade teachers.....???

Because they have a home room

Police:come with me I’m taking you home orphan:well we need to find them first

Police:then I don’t need to take you home