KFC Jokes

Kfc proudly presents the kid fryer meal where our fillets are made out of kids.😎 1 like = more kids in our fryer

A wife and husband had been on a strict diet and the wife said yaknow weve been good about our diet lets have a cheat night tonight. The wife came home with kfc and wendys. the husband came home with sylvia from the office.

Q:What do women and kfc have in common A:once you eat the breasts and thighs all you have left is a greasey box to put ur bone in

What do KFC and pussy have in common? Both are finger lickin' good and after you are done eating you have a box to put the bone in.

KFC doesn't mean Kentucky Fried Chicken, it means "Kill Fat Children."

Me: Tells a racist joke on the internet and no one bats an eye.

Also me: Tells the same joke at KFC and everybody loses their mind.

guy1:hey can you stop making 9 11 jokes my dad died during it guy2:sorry i will stop what was your dad guy1:the pilot he saw a kfc and wanted it so well you know