
Omg Jokes

My crush: OMG my dog just died!😭😭😭😭😭

Me: Oh my goodness I am so sorry I am here for you!

My crush: I have a boyfriend...🙄

Me: Yeah well I have a dog

Teacher: we are going to Seville Girls: Omg it's such a beautiful city I cant wait to explore Boys: Ohh oh oh ohhh Omg thanks for 1000 likes

blonde 1: omg! yesterday, I fucked a Brazilian! blonde 2: OMG YOU SLUT also blond 2: wait, how much is a Brazilian?

[ when a cop meets a pothead on April 20th ]

Officer : Hi, how high are you?

Pothead : No officer, it's how are you

Officer : oh im sorry ive been high since last night

Pothead : cool, i'd like to give you sum weed, happy 420 sir

Officer : omg thx man appreciate that

Inmate 1: why u in prison then? Inmate 2: I killed 4 people and robbed someone, watta bout u? Inmate 1: I blew up a school bus Inmate 2:OMG YOU DEMON WERE THEY AUTISTIC? Inmate 1: no they were fortnite kids Inmate 2(who is Muslim): halelouia we have found the messiah

Obama: It smells like upnigga in here... Trump: What's upnigga Obama: Omg did you say the n word?? Die!!!

People when you lover cheats on you do this!

1. start a conversation 2 say "whats that smell" 3. They will smell around 4. Say omg it's a b**** and walk away and ignore them