Sometimes I get jealous when my phone dies.
Does anyone still look at this? If you do, tell me if I should make more jokes :)
1 like = 1 more child in my blender.
Like if you know someone is emo.
Like if you think I'm stupid.
Why do some couples make their status "single" after a small argument? Like, I don't put "orphan" after I get into an argument with my family.
like this if you don't like school.
Who is the king of Reddit?
Sam Ryan.
Why is Sam Ryan a redditor? Because he is.
like if you know someone that is emo.
Like this post to give someone you hate bad luck.
Anyone else on here looking at depressing jokes to make themselves feel better? Not that it's working, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone. Well, enough with the sob story, I gotta go get my razors. See ya in the long run.
Why couldn't the Japanese man give a high five?
Because Logan Paul left him hanging.
I'm a Model. My doctor asked me to make an acronym for POST because I post pictures on Instagram.
(Trying to) P-ut O-ff Suicidal T-houghts
Like if you have balls.
What is it called when an orphan takes a family photo?
A selfie.
What's the difference between Hitler and Logan Paul? At least Hitler had respect for the Japanese!
1 like = 1 more orphan I dropkick.
1 like = 1 kid in my oven. I'm trying to get followers and comments, please.
what's the difference between hitler and you?
one didn't keep posting on twitter about killing themselves.