what is something that smells yuck 🤮 old bus sits
A 6-year old told the class the first time she got aids, the teacher listened she said she scraped her knee the girl was sent to a asylum when she got out she was 20 she had aids
A 6 year old girl decides to get baptized, she walks into the water of the river. Unfortunately the pastor was drunk. The pastor put her In the water and dunked her under. The drunken man then forgot to bring her up from the water. The poor girl was drowned and died... later on when the pastor was better and thrown in jail. All he had to say to the mortified family was “well, at least she’s in heaven!”
why did the old man win in a fight becaues he was stresed
You get no bitches said the man to the 60 year old reckneck virgin guy who is obese and balding with "trump" stuff plastered all over his pickup truck.
Talking to a liberal is like trying to explain social media to a 70 years old.
A guy gets home from work to seeing his gf packing and he asks her why are you packing and the girl says cause i found out your a Pedophilia and the guy goes a Pedophilia and she says yes and the guy goes thats a big word for a 12 year old
Once there was an old lady..... Congratulations stop bragging !!!
what did the old chimney say to the young chimney?
your too young to smoke!
that's not even a bad joke-
Where are fart bombs made?
Old peoples arses!
Same old boring ass day, until a person Parkinson's fainted and got everyone's attention. He really shook things up today.