Why did Cleopatra bathe in milk? She couldn’t find a cow tall enough to have a shower.
why does the ophan drink hot coco with water because his dad never came back with the milk
I will be back, im gonna get milk..... Me:....
what does a bullet and milk have in common? they both take out your dad
Do you know why daddy never comes back to get the milk, because he’s the milk man.
yesterday i was asked where my parents are i said getting milk
Does an orphanage have daddy issues
Yes because he didn't come back form getting the milk
10 years ago my dad said i should eat cereal with water until he comes back with the milk... i still eat cereal with water sadly
A lady walked into a bar and ordered their special drink, the bartender then gave her a brown glass full of milk, the lady complained about this but then the bartender said, "just shut up and swallow"
what did the orphan say to his dad last plz get non fat milk
I went home to my girlfriend, with milk! She said, "Oh thank you honey!"
Then I got a call from a girl named Melissa. She called and said, "Steven, where the hell have you been? It's been two weeks and you still haven't come back yet?"
Child:Hello I can’t find my dad.stranger:Oh well when and where did you last see him?child:Oh I remember 5 years ago he went to get some milk here.
Why do orphans eat cerial with water? Because their daddy still hasn't come home with the milk
what do you call expired milk
the milky way
My boyfriend came over today and stole my milk. How dairy.
one day i asked my mom where kids came from--- she said the man who went to the milk store
5 years later he came back--- and left again
My friend went to buy so milk, why is she not back yet?
I just encountered a father and son moment over some milk The dad finally came back with the milk
Cow: *can't be milked for 20 years*