The best part about being a medical student is, you will never run out of jokes.
Know why they call gonorrhea gonorrhea?
'Cause once you have it, everyone is gone.
Why do people consume "Laxatives"?
Answer: So that they can take a "Shit", STUPID!
"Cancer gives you weed. It’s not healthy."
My wife is pregnant with a 3-year-old, so I gave her medicine, but now she’s pregnant with a 5-year-old.
I used to be a doctor, until a girl came in to get a kidney transplant, but I had to give her anal resizing surgery first.
Cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer.
What goes in and out and saves your life but is not sexual?
What is better, autism or Down syndrome?
Well, I was gonna make a joke about drunk people, but that would be good for the health.
What do dentists call their x-rays?
Tooth picks.
What's an asthma patient’s least favorite vegetable?
An arti-“choke”!
Cancer cancer cancer cancer. (joke speaks for itself)
My brackets are so high on my teeth, they must be smoking something.
What do you call a frozen Band-Aid?
What is a neonatal's first time in the world?
Cancer, it's just funny, hahaha.
Good news! There's a new program to help autistic people. It's called Action T-4.
Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?
The cabinet had sleeping pills.
I wish the doctor would prescribe me some medicine that's actually useful, like cyanide.