what do you call a failure in another language....... me
Why are hindustan bhai so good at Python? When they are hungry they use Python and take credit card information ;). You know what they say, you give a man a curry and he eat for a day, you give a man a language and he eat for a lifetime
Who do you call to clean up foul language?
A cuss-todian!
Why did the first fence hated the other fence? The second fence used some of-fensive language.
I am Asian.
I am so Asian my pronouns are: heeEEE/Ya.
"Hump a vow, it makes a cow."
So 666-3629, so get it?
If something doesn't make sense to an Eskimo... is it counterINUITive?
Kid singing “abcd.”
Person says, “No, no, it’s obcd.”
What do you call a person that [proudly] knows only one language? A bloody seppo.
What do you call a person that speaks five languages? A Euro waiter.
What language do billboards speak?
Sign language
The teacher was asking some of her students the meanings of words.
"Sally, can you tell me what 'beautiful' means?"
Sally: "You..."
Teacher: "Aww! How nice! But next time, say the actual definition. Now, can someone tell me what 'malicious' means?"
Andrew: "A dangerous person and/or virus."
Teacher: "Great job, Andrew! Now, what does 'fat' mean? Johnny?"
Johnny: "A pig."
Teacher: "Could you tell me the actual defini- "
Johnny: "In other words, the person who last spoke to me!"
What do you call a person with only one arm?
If 2 vegetables have an argument, it's called beef.
asian conversation: Person 1: Ni how's it going? Person 2: konnichi what's up? Person 1: ive bing chilin
I'm sorry and I apologize mean the same thing. Except at funerals.
What does the cannibal say when he jumps into the pool?
CANNONBALL! P.S. I made this myself.
A man found out that he was going to die. A German doctor comes in and says “you have 10 more”. The man yells out “10 WHAT!! DAYS!!!! WEEKS!!!”. And the doctor says ”No seconds” and the man says “9 SECONDS!!!” And the doctor says “Nine Ten Seconds” He asked “How many seconds do i have to live 10,9 , or..........” Then he died and learned how to say no in German....
When did “yo” mean Hello. They are so different, how did they mean the same thing. Did someone just walk up and accidentally say “llo” instead of hello and people were just like “what did you say” and the man being embarrassed just made up a story and say “oh, I said yo, which means hello in my original language.
What's 9 + 10? 21.
What's 9 - 10? 21?