Adoptionsub to dragons 4real4 years agoI adopted you. Now say goodbye, you missed your Spanish lesson...
ChickenGwen3 years agoWhy did the farmer's wife chase the chickens out of the yard?'Cause they were using fowl language!
UtteranceAnonymous4 years agoWhat did the hecadrocophodecadus say to the hopetihopetifuckendecker?"It didn't happen, but it should have."
FootAnonymous3 years agoWhat’s up with the foot feet?What is the plural of "goose"? "Geese."What is the plural of moose? Well, it ant meese.Well, it’s my first joke. Please forgive me if it’s bad.
PrivacyAnonymous3 years agoMe: Spell "I cup."My Friend: I see you pee.Me: BOII YOU BETTER GIVE MEH SOME PRIVACY IN MY BATH ROOM!!!!My Friend: Oh hehe O-O
Alphabet????? question mark don't make sence3 years agoI don't know why there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
BookshelfGeorge5 years agoWhat did the man say when he knocked down the bookshelf?Looks like I've only got myself to blame...
ParsleyAnonymous5 years agoYou’ll parsley believe how many puns I have. Hopefully your funny-bone isn’t broken because these are real rib-ticklers.
WordplayAnonymous5 years agoA guy walks up to me in the street and asks if you have to include the name of an animal in every sentence. I said only if it's relephant.He says what about vegetables. I said not nesecelery.