I intern at an orphanage that burned down this weekend with 30 kids inside. Thankfully I don’t have to call and tell their parents.
there is a kid in my school who is exactly like dahmer but he dont eat ppl. or does he.... hes dahmer's son @domink
Walk up to the quiet kid and tell him to hang in there, trust me you won’t regret it
what do you call a kid with cancer,limited
The guy called up to the orphanage then he asked where are the kids faces and then another guy said sorry there’s no homepage
hi my name is uncle joe and i like kids in a way that makes their parents not trust me anymore
What do you call the musical kid who is very aware of his surrondings?
C sharp minor
This isn’t a joke. Quiet kid jokes are so cliché. Like since when was there an original quiet kid joke like smh. Doesn’t help because im a quiet kid and people act as if I’m soo dangerous and it’s like the only thing they say to me. Being judged as some big bad monster for being AN INTROVERT!! These jokes used to be funny to me.. but now I’m just sick of them...
Why did the emo kid hate the nun? (Cuz nun of them were emo.)
how do you get an emo kid to jump
a bridge
What is the best shield to use during a battle? The emo kid
there was a kid in my class who said my face looked like a physical reaction (we were learning about that stuff at the time) so i said i made a chemical reaction with his mom last night reaction with
Our teacher told us to write a story about the life of a object that's not alive, so i wrote a story about an emo kid
Kid: who is your mom Orphan: they left me😭
why does the kids cant see their parents because they dont have one
ther was an emo kids in ther room boom ther all gone know
Why can't a kid with ADHD shoot a gun?
Their focus is always off.
Which dog is owned by a Kid called ,,Charlie Brown",raps and smokes?
Snoopy Dog
I got sent to the principles office for giving a orphan kid a family size pack
why did the kid cross the road because he wasn't wearing his seat belt😂